The magic continues
long after the sun goes down

The "Always Serene, Never Tame" nature of the Mauna Kea beach Hotel continues to reveal itself after the magnificent sunset fades away and the stars come out.

Enjoy the delicious bounty of Hawai‘i Island together at the Manta Restaurant, a paragon of elegant yet relaxed seaside dining. You may also choose the creative, sharable cuisine at the iconic Copper Bar. Whether you dine or simply savor a craft cocktail here, the unique space is not to be missed.

There are many other ways to experience the enchantment of the evening, including a stargazing tour to the summit of Mauna Kea. You can also stay right on the property and glide across the surface of the water at sunset aboard an outrigger canoe. Let majestic manta rays come to you whether you view them from shore, or, take a guided moonlit swim amongst them.
The night may just become the favorite part of your day.